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Bubble "Rap"

By Sophia

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Bubble "Rap"

Our challenge was to make an object that produces music So, as a team, we decided that we would make bubble wrap into music. Our idea is to have a conveyer belt with bubble wrap on it. There will be a wheel with needles positioned on top of this conveyer belt. The conveyer belt will move by cranking a handle that will be found on one side of the machine. When the conveyer belt moves, it will cause the wheel with the needles to turn and pop the bubble wrap. The melodious sound of bubble wrap will henceforth exit from the horn and into the ears of those present. The bubble rap will then proceed to be refilled and taped over by a machine at the other end of the popper so it can be used again. This idea is permanent because it is relatively simple and will only require new gas and tape to refill the bubble wrap. It’s for everyone because anyone can turn the crank that will produce the sounds.
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