This is a case for the BTT SKR Mini E3 and the associated TFT35-E3 V3.0 which are originally intended as exact physical fit upgrades for the Ender 3 and related printers, to use them on other printers with 20mm pitch v-slot or t-slot aluminum extrusion frames.
Built in SolidWorks 2019, exported in x_t, STEP and STL.
More information is included in the associated build log, ask questions there and join the conversation:
These files and more versioned at gitlab:
Created by Eric Lien and Michael K Johnson
License: CC-BY-4.0:
Print in PETG for minimal shrink and good fit. M3 countersink flat head socket screws for assembly; M5 to attach to frame using three or four of the holes.
STL will require 90⁰ rotation to print.