Braille Writer Finger Guide

By Jim Allan

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Braille Writer Finger Guide

By Jim Allan

at 2024-05-02
Sometimes when young students are first learning braille they will try to use multiple fingers to press a key. Or, they will shift their hands or fingers left or right to hit a key with their index or middle finger. This behavior will result in poor brailling habits and braille errors. The guide has vertical blades that make it more difficult for students to use non-standard fingering on the braille writer. The guide slides under the keys on the braille writer. It does not interfere with the operation of the keys or the quality of the braille produced. It has been tested on old and new braille writers. The guide has double curved blades () or bowed blades with supports at the base of the blades. The blades are the same width as the base. The guide should be printed with the blades horizontal to the build plate for maximum strength. Added a revised finger guide for Smart Brailler and the Perkins/APH brailler. They have the same key placement.

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