This is a work in progress 3D printer
Dimensions are 230x230x340mm height.
Print dimensions are: 135x135x160mm.
Prototype has a bowden extruder with a J-head hotend.
Assembly instructions:
edit: updated extruder body uploaded (28-10-2014)
BotMaker - BOM - first draft.
M2 x 15mm - 6 (for the endstops)
M3 x 10mm - 33
M3 x 16mm - 20
M3 x 20mm - 9
M3 x 35mm - 2
M3 nuts - 26
M3 washers - aprox 10
M4x10mm - 27
T-nuts - 27
M5 nut - 2
M5 threaded rod x 240mm - 2
M8 smooth rods:
260mm -2
200mm -2
215mm -2
LM8UU - 10
F623 bearings - 17
GT2 belt aprox. 940mm
GT2 pulley -2
Nema 17 - 5
Endstop - 3 (OMRON D2F)
Springs -4
MK7 drive gear - 1
Bowden tube - aprox. 400mm
Hotend - 1
Fan - 1
Pneumatic push-fit 4mm - 2
310mm - 4
220mm - 2
180mm - 5
Extrusion brackets - 16 (each one needs two M4x8mm and two t-nuts )
Printed Parts:
Hotend holder - 1
Hotend fan holder - 2
X end right -1
X end left - 1
X carriage - 1
Y idler - 1
Y idler+endstop -1
Y motor -1
Y carriage - 1
Extruder body -1
Z motor holder left -1
Z motor holder right - 1
Z top holder left -1
Z top holder right -1
Z couplings - 4
Laser cut parts - 5mm material.
X motor support - 1
Print bed - 1
Y bed - 1
Case: front, left, right, back and top - one of each.
if not, may you can share it on g+, im following you there. I tried to make the assembly for the alternative z version and the bed is off center, im missing something
about 10 years
<p>I´ve trie<i>d to upload it but I´m having the end of the upload it gives some sort of error..I will try again later on.</i></p>
about 10 years
Cool!, really nice design, i will make one for me.
Could you upload the solidworks assembly file?