Bondtech Extruder

By Bondtech

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about 8 years
Are the metal parts available somewhere?
over 8 years
What about flexible filaments? Do they feed through without assistance or is it necessary to open it up to start the feed (through the bottom part)? How can you tell if they start jamming up inside?
over 9 years
Hi DF, sorry for my late reply, I have made the first Pull-test of the 3 mm extruder which looks very promising. Below you will find the link to the video. I have now sent out the first beta units of the 1.75 mm variant and will continue to work with the 3 mm version and some other things that I will show soon, keep a look on my Google+ profile for the latest news.
over 9 years
HI, any news on the 3mm Version, I'm still interrested
over 9 years
Hi Zootalaws, please drop me an e-mail if you are interested at, there will be a limited zero-series production starting soon. /Martin
over 9 years
I would certainly be interested, not only in a kit, but in a complete unit. For someone without a printer or access to printing services, offering a turnkey extruder, complete with mount, would be ideal.
over 9 years
Hi WILLYSNOWMAN, I have made trials with a fixed wheel distance that worked quite ok but I would like to have a product that gives everyone the possibility to use also low-cost filament that could vary in diameter. My friend Eric Lien has tested with some cheap filament that varies between 1.6 up to 1.9 on the same spool without any problems. During the tests we have don we have had zero problems with grinding. Here is a link to Eric:s video where he tests the extruder and also make a short summary. /Martin
over 9 years
This is pretty cool. I had a similar idea. I would be interested in the drive parts for 3mm! A couple of questions: 1. What do you think of fixed wheel distance? I was thinking of setting the wheels a fixed position based on nominal filament size. This would give you a set minimum and maximum "wheel bite". I would loosely QC my filament to make sure it was in the range. I would rather pay extra for decent filament then dealing with adjustments for filament variation. This would also take play out of the gears for retraction. I think you could make a compact dual 1.75mm and 3mm feeder this way. 2. Any overdrive or grind issues? One of my many thoughts for filament feedback was a sensor on the bowden tube measuring force. This could possibly allow you to keep a set force on the extruder. Another idea was simply measuring the filament movement and issuing a pause print if the stepper was driving, but the filament was not moving.
over 9 years
Tiguu: In a couple of weeks DF: / lynnroth: Yes there will be a 3 mm version aswell.
over 9 years
I would be interested in a 3mm version as well.
over 9 years
Hi, looks really interesting, any plans to release a version for 3mm filament?
over 9 years
Downloaded. Thanks. When will it be available for sale?
over 9 years
Hi Hilo90mhz, The design is quite insensitive to diameter variations and 1.68 should be no problem, tests has been carried out wit filament that varys between 1.6 to 1.9 on the same spool without problems. Tiguu: Not that I am aware about.
over 9 years
I tried downloading but got a Page Not Found. Is there a restriction of release for Singapore?
over 9 years
Ahh I see now.. I was looking at it wrong and now realize the driven gear is the further one in the image I was looking at. So those little screws must push on the side of the bearings then? I only print PLA now and Most of my filament is 1.68mm average, does this diameter work well with the gears?
over 9 years
Hi, you can adjust the distance between the two drive shafts with the set-screws. Normally it does not need any adjustment since the teeths will cut deeper or shallower into the filament due to diameter variations. Thanks for the tip regarding the pinion gear, will have a look onto it. /Martin
over 9 years
This looks promising, I was wondering what the method of adjusting the tension the drive wheels put on the filament is? Also with those 5:1 geared steppers, be careful that the pinion gear on the actual stepper motor inside the gearbox is fixed well enough to the motor shaft, I have had a few of them where the gear hole was too loose on the shaft and over time the gear worked its way towards the motor, eventually disengaging from the planetary gears and causing the gearbox to make horrible grinding sounds while eating away at the edges of the barely engaging gears.. That may have just been a bad batch of gearboxes though but something to keep in mind or check for if you are going to purchase lots of these NEMA 17 5:1 gearmotors. Other than that I like the torque they provide.


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Bondtech Extruder



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