Boat Puzzle Box

By ScienceforInventors

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Boat Puzzle Box

By ScienceforInventors

at 2024-05-12
This design is from student Kian M. Week 8 Design Challenge: For this last challenge we will be running a players choice, where each player selects which side of each parameter is in play. Challenge card: "Puzzled?" — Design both a puzzle and its packaging. Parameter card #1: Water Parameter card #2: Reveal | Enclose My design is a puzzle box in the shape of a boat. Different dowels and parts can be removed so that different layers become able to be removed. Once all the parts are taken off, the contents of the box can be revealed. This design meets all the requirements because: A: It's a puzzle B: It is in the shape of a boat, which is associated with water C: Once the box is opened it reveals whatever was enclosed in the box

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Joined over 7 years ago Marquette, MI

This is a collection of work done by 10-12 graders at Marquette Senior High School in Marquette, MI as part of an elective science class called "Science for Inventors".


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