BLE MIDI Controller with Capacitive Touch Pads

By Adafruit

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BLE MIDI Controller with Capacitive Touch Pads

By Adafruit

at 2024-05-02 It doesn't look like your typical drum pad or keyboard, but it does have similar functionality just like any standard MIDI controller. It features six capacitive touch pads that trigger MIDI notes. Tap one of the pads, and it plays a note. It also features a step sequencer so you can record and playback a pattern. The 16 NeoPixel ring displays a glowing dot for each step which also follows the beat of a given tempo. It can also change settings, such as pitch, tempo, shuffle, length, velocity and even MIDI channel. Full Learning Guide:

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Combining DIY electronics and 3D printing. Weekly projects showcasing creative designs and functional projects. The Ruiz brothers are the designers behind the 3D printed projects by Adafruit Industries. 


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