Bigg3r - (pronounced Bigger) 3D Printer

By nanosmith

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Bigg3r - (pronounced Bigger) 3D Printer

By nanosmith

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Bigg3r - (pronounced Bigger) 3D Printer

By nanosmith

at 2024-05-03
Bigg3r - (pronounced Bigger) 3D PrinterThis design is based on RichRap's very cool Sli3DR 3D printer, optimized for a larger build area, uses smaller 15mm slotted extrusion and should be easier to scale in any of X, Y or Z.Work in progress... haven't built one yet.  YMMV.Attributions - Please see the RichRap Sli3DR and 3DR projects for most of the original parts used in Bigg3r.Credit to Openbeam for brackets and extrusions, Tantilus for Z-carriage design.


- BOM Work in progress - Linear Rod - from Prusa i2: - qty 4 of 430 mm x 8mm linear rod - qty 2 of 330 mm x 8mm linear rod - 15mm slotted extrusion - openbeam or misumi, approximate length: - qty 4 of (NNN)mm extrusion for Z - qty 4 of (NNN)mm extrusion for Y - qty 4 of (NNN)mm extrusion for X - qty 2 of (NNN)mm extrusion for printbed-X - qty 2 of (NNN)mm etrusion for printbed-Y - Other: - 1 small spool of 100 lb. "Spectra" line - qty 12 of LM8UU - qty 20 of v-groove embroidery pulleys - qty 3 of NEMA-17 for X, Y, E - qty 1 of NEMA-17 w/ 5.18:1 planetary gears for Z - 3DP motherboard, PSU, pololus & etc. electrical - a few skate bearings (filament spools) - extruder & hotend, heated bed - PTFE bowden tube & push-fit connectors


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