A Dream Come True: Bela Merda means Beautiful Poop in brazilian portuguese and it is exactly that, a customizable piece of shit for your appreciation. While it might seem a bad attempt at a joke is actually useful, feces have a huge symbolic value on our culture so you might use this base design to convoy a bunch of negative conotations. You can make a trophy out of it to someone you feel to be full of shit, you can offer this as a gift to Murphy the God to get protection from bad situations, you can repurpose it and maybe an anaconda body or any other archimedean spiral design you wish. You can also post-edit it in Blender and add a rougher surface and use cura's fuzzy skin feature to print it more realistically.
Speaking of archimedean spiral, this is trivial to make in 3D modelling software like Blender (add curve -> spiral -> archimedean spiral, set the right parameters, use it as a path for a cone or phallus-shaped cylinder, etc.), and the implementation is quite inefficient in OpenSCAD (a bunch of concatenated sphere hulls), so it takes forever to render. You might even not want to wait for render finish on the customizer window (not here in youmagine, sorry) and ask to create it altogether, or just download the .scad file and change the variables yourself.
I was just curious how a rising spiral could be implemented in OpenSCAD. After a few attempts, I noticed it look like shit. I tried to make it look more and more like that, until I came up with a square root function for the decreasing size of the curve, and it got so beautiful that I decided to print and share.