@drofnas you likely need to scale it up 2x and set your layer height to 0.1mm or so.
almost 9 years
hmm, I can't even get Cura 15.04.4 to slice this, maybe have to try another slicer.
about 10 years
<p>Thanks, it is meant to be scaled up 2x. You can also scale it on the Z axis until it's 1 layer thick. Shooudn't need to throw it into blender. But perhaps I should have made it taller to begin with since most people cancel before it's done anyways.</p>
Michael New
about 10 years
This was an excellent test pattern, but as-is Slic3r wouldn't slice it. It was thinner than my layer height (.16mm), so I had to open the stl file in Blender and make it thicker. After that it printed fine and was really helpful.
about 10 years
<p>Thanks... :D</p>
about 10 years
When you have the bed leveled closely (with paper) it is often easier to do the fine adjustments while the printer is actually printing. So you slice this file and print it. Then you adjust your screws/bolts as necessary while this pattern prints so that you have a uniform first layer application.
about 10 years
Sorry but i don't understand the concept, can you explain ?