The BeagleBone is a low-power open-source hardware single-board computer which is perfect for the development of projects and prototyping. It has the functionality of a basic computer. In this quick tutorial we will make a case for the BeagleBone Black that allows you to create projects on the go.As for the assembly, it is a very easy process but it depends on your printer and whether the parts are an easy fit. On the picture below you can see different printed BeagleBoards which were all a little bit different from each other, even though it was printed on the same printer. The upper left case is the exception which was printed on an SLS printer which is much more accurate, sturdy and also looks way better. This case was printed with our new 3D Hubs HD service now providing industrial grade 3D printing around the globe. An improvement to this model would be to change the model a bit or even scale it with 2% so the parts would fit easier, but this is totally up to you. Keep in mind that the screws and hinges are not shown in this tutorial but are definitely needed to make a functional BeagleBone Black case.When printing through 3D Hubs make sure to get the quantities of your prints correct. 3 x buttons 2 x hinge!