Basic Building Blocks

By HalfwitTomfoolery

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Basic Building Blocks

By HalfwitTomfoolery

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Basic Building Blocks

By HalfwitTomfoolery

at 2024-05-02
Just your basic building blocks in a few different sizes. Rounded corners so as to make them less painful to step on and safer to play with. Exponential sizes (20mm, 40mm, 80mm) for easier combining and stacking. Plated together for minimal bed usage. For best results, print multiple sets in different colors. Requested by my friend Mike.


I've tried printing these out of multiple materials, but I think my favorite was either PLA or PETG due to being able to seal them up a little bit easier to keep foreign contaminants/liquids from getting inside. If you can print these in ABS without having them curl up due to the flat surfaces with rounded corners, and can keep them from delaminating, best of luck. If you can, make sure the blocks are sealed and choose a material which can withstand dishwasher temperatures. Also, if you're using Slic3r to slice this, I would highly recommend using Prusa's Slic3r fork. The "Ensure vertical shell thickness" option they added is very helpful for this model.


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