Baby Taylor 2 Guitar Hole Desmokifyer Fan Mount

By jddj

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Baby Taylor 2 Guitar Hole Desmokifyer Fan Mount

By jddj

at 2024-05-06
Migrated to: I recently bought a used Baby Taylor 2E (a really nice, compact guitar suitable for travel; sounds great through an amp!) I checked the guitar over with the seller: great shape, no buzzes, cracks, overt repairs, perfect intonation, straight neck, SOLD! Just one thing I didn't check: Cigarette Stank. Uff Da! I spent a fair amount of time cleaning and oiling the exterior of the case, put on a new set of strings, washed the soft case in our front loader (twice!), but couldn't get the sound hole to stop stinking. Until this... I made a mount for a small "boxer" fan. The fan is set on the mount so it sucks air out of the guitar. The inlet vent pulls (ideally, fresh) air in. The inlets are ducted so that they suck and blow to different sides of the guitar. I ran this for a few hours in my office, and another few hours out on our outdoor screened porch, on a beautiful day, and the smell is gone, and no air-freshener odor replacing it. Yay! The unit pictured is from a plan where I had to trim the mount a little to fit in my printer's volume. Enclosed the LWO file so you can pick the one you want, or resize parts to your (possibly larger) guitar.



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