This set includes 5 light Hex Tiles, and you should be able to print all 5 tiles with less than 1 spool of filament. All my hexes are designed to use 4x6mm round magnets, they just push into the holes (may require glue), there is also a 3d printed key that can be used to secure the tiles with our without the magnets.
These are 240mm wide at the widest point, they can be scaled to whatever size your printer is and should not cause issues.
Each hex is flat with rocks as part of the print. The nice thing about them is that you can redesign the course and attach the tiles in any order/alignment.
This is Light Hex Tile Set 2. I have several other sets that will also be listed, each set has 5 unique configurations. Medium and Heavy sets have larger rocks and will take more filament.