Automatic Nerf Turret

By mrhasan

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Here's the list of materials: (3d printed parts) x1 Base axis x4 Base clips x1 base trim x2 flywheels x1 front base x1 front jacket x1 left chamber x1 magazine x1 motor mount x1 nerf push gear x1 radar arm x1 radar mount x1 rear base x1 right chamber x1 servo clip x1 shooting barrel x5 side clips x1 stem x1 stepper bracket (off the shelf parts) x2 DC motors x1 stepper motor x1 servo motor x1 arduino uno x1 H bridge board x1 stepper motor driver (ULN2003) x1 ultrasonic sensor (hobby grade) x46 m4 10mm screws (others) A lot of patience! Printing some of the parts can be a bit challenging but with the proper support, it should be achievable. Almost all the parts are printed at 0.6mm with infill anywhere between 20% - 50%. I have printed all the parts in PLA. An exploded view is included to show which parts go where. Few videos explaining how it works (please pardon my non-professional video quality; I am not an youtuber, nor do I do any sort of video in real life) Intro to design: Electronics: Nerf turret in action: Nerf turret automatic feed mechanism: Nerf turret automatic feed mechanism 2: Once the competition is over, I will upload the code. Thanks to 3d Printing group from Facebook for hosting this competition. This is first time I have done such project (off work) and it has been an wonderful experience and I don't think I have learnt this much ever within a mere three weeks of time, especially Arduino since this was completely new to me.



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