ATTiny85 programming adaptor

By rp10007

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ATTiny85 programming adaptor

By rp10007

at 2024-05-03
This piece fits over the top of an 8-pin DIP and holds wires so that you can program your ATTiny85 while it's still plugged into whatever circuit you have built. Unplugging (or unsoldering) the chip every time you change the code is a pain, and can damage the chip.Print the part, then insert stripped wires into the holes and bend them back around the outside. Glue everything in place so the bare wire parts don't touch. For ease of use, color-code the wires and label them (Vcc, Gnd, Reset, MISO, MOSI, Clock).You will still need a chip-programmer (USB-Tiny from Adafruit or modified arduino or whatever). This is just the rig to get from there to the chip.
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