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By mirkolone

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By mirkolone

at 2024-05-03
This is my entry for th One Plus contest, but is more a dream of mine, imagining a device to use without distracting, helping you while you are doing other things".ARMOPO, how does it souds?I designed it thinking about watches, for decades we worn them and we could work better and organise faster; now think about communication, maps, note taking, and thousands of other feature that you can take advantage of, directly on your wrist.Voice controls (you now how to use them?) would take an important part in this vision, so i designed a channel for the microphone and two speaker amplifier to also better comunicate through voice notes. The below, in conctact with the arm has an ergonomic shape, more like a watch on the wrist and curved on the forearm to adapt to the movements (try to move your wrist and watch your forearm, it chages contour).To close it you can choose what band you prefer but you'll find a better description in bill of materialsI'm not very good at gimp, I now that these mock-up sucks but at least they make the idea of some situations you can use your armopo.Future:-I'll upload  a zip containing vary versions of the parts.-I'm thinking about a easy-printable mechanism for the buttons if someone needs it(I found that interacting with only the screen and dtw function more functional thanks also to the software iprovements) -I'm thinking about a water resistant version and also a more though version for tough situation with a built in screen protector.That's all, if you have any ideas, comment, corrections of my english, don't hesitate to use the comments
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Joined over 9 years ago italy

I'm an italian mechanical engineer student, passionate about design, and of course 3D printing.


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