This 3D printed Pybot SCARA Robotic arm has been created using common and affordable elements from the 3D printed World (NEMA 17 motors, Linear bearings, timing belts...)
The idea was to create a reliable, fast, modifiable and accurate Robotic Arm for everyone who wants to have a very cool desktop robot and/or anyone willing to learn robotics and mechanics. The control APP has been created with Python
Robotic Arm Stages of project development:
We have written a detailed assembly guide, explained the Mechanical design and code on its landing webpage :
The control code has been written in PYTHON and it has been thoroughly explained and commented for easy understanding.
The control APP for MacOS and Windows is freely available and 100% OPEN. User guide here
All the links to code, assembly guides...etc can be found here:
Repeatability test video
NEW!:Added Xbox/PS4 controller. Now you can control the pyBot Robotic arm using your PS4/Xbox controller
If you want to save the hassle of getting the different elements from different sources and want them all fast, create your own custom Robotic KIT here (and add what you really need)
All the parts are easy to print but you will need to add SUPPORT to two:REDUCTION and FOREARM. In the images attached to the gallery you will see the recommended orientation for every element to be printed.Gently remove the support once printed.
The REDUCTION part is a critical part of the robot. Print is slowly.
Google Blockly controlable
Trajectory movement (you can add up to 20.000 trajectory points)
Real Time control
Leap Motion control
Artificial vision control OPENCV (Use your webcam to tell the robot what to do)
100% OPEN SOURCE (Arduino control board and Python control code)
Control it via USB or WIFI
Smartphone/ Tablet control APP (for iOS and Android devices) Free APPs
Control it using a Xbox or PS4 controller
Mechanical Specifications:
Robot frame total height: 270 mm.
Nº of axis: 3 (arm) + 2 (clamp)
Working height with the clamp mounted: 145 mm
Arm (extended) length: 24 cms
Working area: 1190 cm2
Horizontal max. speed: 220 mm/s
Vertical max speed: 55 mm/s
Total Weight: 2120 grams
Repeatability (mm): 0.4mm
Maximum Payload Capacity (arm extended) = approx. 150 g
Range of motion per axis: Arm: ~190° Forearm: ~280°
Driving motors: 3x NEMA17 1.8° stepper motor
Gripper / Actuator drivers: 2x SG90 /MG90 / MG92R servos
Direct links
Assembly guide: A complete step-by-step guide to create your own Robotic Arm
Arduino code: The code in charge of controlling the pyBot Robotic Arm. To be uploaded to the DEVIA control board
CONTROL APP Python code
Control APP: User guide, links to Python code
pyBot 3D parts models (.iges file format)
pyBot Robotic Arm: Mechanical guide
pyBot Robotics Arm: Electronics guide
Robotic Arm Gripper
DEVIA Control Board