Arduino kit for driving a vehicle with two DC motors - Kit 2 -

By communAlainDucros

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Arduino kit for driving a vehicle with two DC motors - Kit 2 -

By communAlainDucros

at 2024-05-12
Arduino kit for driving a vehicle with two DC motors - Kit 2 - Complete project with descriptive PDF, STL files, cabling and programs. " automatic translation" Features and objectives: - Kit that allows remote control of a vehicle and especially a toy motorized from a mobile phone or tablet. - The kit includes a quick connection system to the motors, fasteners for the electrical components, and a single mechanical attachment to quickly move the kit from one vehicle to another. - Possibility to automate the vehicle using an ultrasonic sensor to avoid obstacles. This project is an improvement and a complement of various other projects that we have realized. Adhesive fixations can be modified by the Freecad source file: "plot_adhesif_a.FCStd" Currently the project has four programs depending on the type of vehicle and operation: Two propulsion engines with Bluetooth: D_HC05_V6a_indA_Kit2.ino Two propulsion motors with ultrasonic sensor: D_HCsr_04_V6b_indA_Kit2.ino A propulsion engine + a steering motor with Bluetooth:  D_HC05_V6c_indA_Kit2.ino A propulsion engine + a steering motor with ultrasonic sensor: D_HCsr_04_V6d_indA_Kit2.ino (programs can be adapted with PWM functions for motor speed and time delays for ultrasound control) Creation of _Ducros§ Fils
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