Arduino and Ramps Enclosure for Prusa i3

By Thirkell

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Arduino and Ramps Enclosure for Prusa i3

By Thirkell

at 2024-05-02
Keep it neat!Designed to snugly fit the Arduino mega and RAMPS 1.4 shield as well as a 60 mm cooling fan with breathing room and space for wires.There is provision on the door to mount a horizontal trim pot wired in series with the fan to control its speed (I used 470 ohm but 350 ohm would probably be better).Added the RepRap logo and Open Hardware logo as ventilation holes. There are no hole on the build plate side of the box as not to interfere with the print.Does have allowance for the LCD screen wires and shield.Mounts to the frame through the Arduino mounting holesUPDATED FROM VERSION 1 IN PICTURES:Made entire enclosure wider for easier mounting of the ramps.Made Reprap decal larger so that reset button can be accessed through it.
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