Arcade Joystick Mechanism - 3D printed

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Arcade Joystick Mechanism - 3D printed

Published at 2024-05-06


27 objects 28 Followers
Joined about 3 years ago Outer Space


Here is my take on a nearly, mostly, almost, more or less completely 3D printed arcade joystick mechanism. Just add microswitches. If you would like some joystick tops to go with this project, check out: If you were considering building the smaller version of the mechanism into a stand-alone joystick then check out my designs page for a selection: Also my previously released flightsticks would fit nicely with the Joy_Stem_HS as it is hollow with a side entry point to be able to feed the wiring through. Unfortunately The Raptor's eight switches may pose a problem of too many cables. My future joystick designs will cater for the hollow Stem (Joy_Stem_H) when applicable. I have included two versions of some parts, I find the _100P versions to be the most solid whereas I wouldn't want go any lighter than the _3310L version. _100P version means 100% infill, Solid. _3310L version means 3 top layers, 3 bottom layers, 10% infill, L for Line infill. Please consider supporting me on Patreon (and gain access to STL versions): If you are after some compatible microswitches, here is an Amazon affiliate link:,aps,302&sr=8-19&linkCode=sl1&tag=3dfreeman-22&linkId=4e6cf225c82e429fc227769da5ee03cb&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Cheaper Ebay non-affiliated link: Thanks for checking out my designs. Print Settings Printer: Aquila X2 (Ender 3 clone) Rafts: No Supports: No Filament brand: Voxelab Filament material: PLA


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