Ape Grip Corner Joint

By d3n15b

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Ape Grip Corner Joint

By d3n15b

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Ape Grip Corner Joint

By d3n15b

at 2024-05-02
These corner joints consist of 3 of the same component, stapled together.

The name comes from another of my hobbies, BJJ, in which there is a Gorilla Grib. You anchor your hand in such a way that the fingers do not cross, but lie parallel to each other and enclose the other hand.

In the model, the fingers are the layers in the 3D print and are anchored orthogonally in all 3 axes.


Depending on the precision of the 3D printer, the model can be printed directly without any further settings.
The zigzag pattern for infill has proven to be the most efficient.

The holes hold M3 screws very well, they cut the thread into the material themselves.
If the printer tends to overprint, simply drill the hole free again with a 3mm drill bit and place a M3 nut on the other side.

The model can also be easily scaled up for larger screws and projects. 
e.g. M3 -> M5: Print the model by 166.666 %.


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