This bookmark design was created for the Ultimaker design engine challenge for week 3. With challenge card #1 - "Storytime" Make a specialized bookmark for a special person or a special book. The parameter cards were: Parameter card #1 - Tween and Parameter card #2 - Evening. Also, the Expansion set parameter card #3 - The Netherlands.
This bookmark design was created to look like the famous house of Anne Frank's. The special bookmark could be used in the book "The Diary of Anne Frank". This design meets the expansion set parameter because this house is located in the Netherlands. The parameter card one - Tween is met because the book "The Diary of Anne Frank" is a very common book read by teenagers and young people in school. The parameter card #2 is met by the fact the many people read books in the evening. It could also be related to the many evenings Anne spent in the secret areas of that house.