Angel Tea Light

By gzumwalt

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Printer and Settings: Printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2 Extended. Prototypes were printed at .2mm and 20% infill, final design was printed at .1mm and 20% infill. Parts I Purchased: 1) Flickering candle effect tea light (box stores, craft stores, amazon). Printing: Print 1 each of the two parts. Assembly: Prior to assembly, test fit and trim, file, sand, etc. both parts as necessary for tight fit . Depending on the colors you chose and your printer settings, more or less trimming, filing and/or sanding will be required. 1) After clean up, press "Angel Tea Light Small.stl" into "Angel Tea Light Small Base.stl". 2) Test fit your tea lamp in "Angel Tea Light Small Base.stl". The base opening for the tea lamp is 40mm in diameter which was chosen after a few different brands of tea lights were tried. Some brands fits tight, others fit loose. If your tea lamp is loose, wrap tape around the circumference of the tea lamp base until a tight fit is attained. Hope you like it!



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