i found that most upgrades on machines needs longer bolts to fit them, i could not fit my on bracket cause my bolts where to short, so i designed it to clip on, i had longer bolts for extruder side, but removed only far two screws, spaced them and fitted the bracket. then i glued the end chain bracket in place once i was happy ( i used epoxy)
chain is supported by extruder bracket - see pics
im in the bundus here, so its custom made and you can change the sizes as needed, it would probably be only the glue on part that would need to be adjusted if narower chain is used
fusion and cura files attached
may need some glue, and 2 x 4mm x 20mm bolts to fix extruder plate
the reason i spaced it with 4x4mm washers each side was to align the chain so it doesnt wedge any parts against frame or maybe push extruder