One candle [waxiine lichtje] can bring the aluminium 3mm plate to 50 degrees. A double candle can go up to 60 degrees. I haven't tried a tripple candle. Other possibilities are a oil-lamp or a spirit burner[?!] [Maybe with some electronics so you can change the flame power with a servo.]From idea to working concept: 34 minutes during the Utlimaker Meetup at ProtoSpace, FabLab Utrecht....For the candle you can cut out a circle in the Z-stage. [I already made the hole in advance when lasercutting the parts...] Make something that hold the candle, I used some metal wire. Use a Aluminium sheet, tape the kapton tape on it. Turn on the candle [wax light]. Place the aluminium sheet on top. Wait till the platform is hot. Start printing.For a double candle i just made 2 hole in the canlde and put two wicks in one candle. Should works for 3 wicks as well.Improvements: maybe use a thicker aluminium piece above the flame... maybe use brass... maybe put a thin sheet of glass on the aluminium to get rid of the kapton tape... maybe use some oil between the glass en the hot plate to transfer the heat better...Movie:\joris
van Tubergen (1977) studied Industrial Design Engineering at Delft
University of Technology. His fascination for digital production
resulted in 2008 in joining the startup of Protospace, Fablab Utrecht.
Joris is [part time] Creat...