Alesis DM10 Module Mount Arm

By BloodlessLove

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Alesis DM10 Module Mount Arm

This Mount arm allows you to move the mount from the cross bar to the leg support. my print came out fine and works great. if I needed to reprint again I would change the module mount hole to 9.75 and sand to fit. I did do the print test with PLA, then ended up using PETG.on the actual print. I printed this laying down, hole opening up. only needs a min. of supports where the shaft goes into the frame mount. set random line changes otherwise you will end up with a weak point. placing the Module where shown in picture has so cleaned up the spider web of cables. I'm working on a remix of this with a locking system for Module hole. I suggest printing the test file first. Module mount hole #1 r=9.75 used in my file. > #2 r=9.8 #3 r=9.85 stub for mount #1 10.75/10.75 used in my file. > #2 11/11 #3 11.25/11.25 Test Print: // Mod Test Hole 1 : r=9.75 difference() { translate([0,0,0]) cylinder (h = 5, r=13, $fn=100); // r= inside hole size translate([0,0,0]) cylinder (h = 26, r=9.75, center = true, $fn=100);} // Mod Test Hole 2 : r=9.80 difference() { translate([30,0,0]) cylinder (h = 5, r=13, $fn=100); translate([30,0,0]) cylinder (h = 26, r=9.80, center = true, $fn=100);} // Mod Test Hole 2 : r=9.85 difference() { translate([60,0,0]) cylinder (h = 5, r=13, $fn=100); translate([60,0,0]) cylinder (h = 26, r=9.85, center = true, $fn=100);} // Test shaft translate([0,30,0]) cylinder(5,10.75,10.75,$fn=100); translate([30,30,0]) cylinder(5,11,11,$fn=100); translate([60,30,0]) cylinder(5,11.25,11.25,$fn=100); Mount Arm: difference() { // Module Mount Hole. translate([0,0,227])rotate(a=[90,0,0]) cylinder (h = 25, r=14, center = true, $fn=100); // Module Mount Hole cut out. change hole size below r= and r= in the last line needs to be the same. translate([0,0,227]) rotate(a=[90,0,0]) cylinder (h = 25, r=9.8, center = true, $fn=100);} cylinder(45,11,11,$fn=100); // Mount Shaft 11,11 above and 11,12.5 below if a different size is needed. change only 11 numbers. translate([0,0,45]) cylinder(18,11,12.5,$fn=100); // shaft difference() { translate([0,0,63]) cylinder(162,12.5,12.5,$fn=100); translate([0,0,227]) #rotate ([90,0,0]) cylinder (h = 26, r=9.8, center = true, $fn=100);}
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