Adjustable rod for shower cabin

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Adjustable rod for shower cabin

Published at 2024-05-03


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Joined over 10 years ago


This OpenSCAD design is parameterized so you can justify this part completely. Like thickness of the cilinder, or angle.The beauty of this is (I love openscad it is quite addictive......) that if you already drilled some holes, you can just measure the distance of the holes and put it in the model.Next the ideal support rod will be calculated so you don't have to drill extra holes in your expensive shower cabinThis design is version 3. I removed v1 and v2 because there is really no need for it anymore. In v3 I improved upon my OpenSCAD coding skills and inserted some inline comments.


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over 10 years
In the mean time got my first 3d printer, and printed it. Especially when printing at 45 degrees both supports will be fine. Next version of this design will also calculate the support rods, so it should print perfect whatever parameter you change.
over 10 years
Great to see my design is downloaded so many times. I didn't print this design yet, I can't wait to see the first printed piece!

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