Adaptive Grip Mechanism for Prosthetic Hand

By SkipMeetze

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Adaptive Grip Mechanism for Prosthetic Hand

By SkipMeetze

at 2024-05-03
The design was updated with the Whippletree Tensioner stl which has a larger slot that is cut out for a 3rd peg at the pivot.The Whippletree idea came from Steve Wood (Gyrobot) created triangle-shaped connectors that allow fingers to flex individually until they all meet resistance. This allows the grip to conform to the shape of the object being grasped.  With pegs made from 3mm filament serving as pulleys, this device simplifies Wood’s mechanism by replacing his small triangles with posts (pegs made from 3mm filament) that serve as pulleys. It works with the Raptor Adaptor   On 31 Jan 2015 removed the original design to avoid confusion.  This design allows use of a small zip-tie on the central peg.  The thumb should be tensioned separately, tied to a separate zip-tie.
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Joined about 10 years ago Webster, NY

Having retired from Xerox as a Human Factors Engineer, Skip Meetze is co-founder of Rochester e-NABLE Lab where he mentors high school and college students in rapid prototyping and iterative design. Skip collaborates with other e-NABLE volunteer design...


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