Ada Robotic Hand

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Ada Robotic Hand

Published at 2024-05-04


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Joined about 9 years ago Bristol


This is the Ada robotic hand from Open Bionics (, a fully 3D printable robotic hand, derived from the Dextrus robotic hand by the Open Hand Project .This hand design is completely open source and free for you to download and use.All of the components required for a right hand start with 'R' and the components for a left hand start with 'L'. A single hand requires the following 3D printed components:- Palm - Ninjaflex- Back Cover - PLA/ABS- PCB Tray Upper - PLA/ABS- PCB Tray Lower - PLA/ABSNon-3D printed components:- 9 x M3 bolts (6mm length)- 13 x M3 threaded push inserts- 1m x 0.7mm tendon string- 5 x Firgelli 12V linear actuators (PQ12-30-12-P)- 1 x Open Bionics Almond electronics- 5 x Micro gel fingertip grips]- Super glue(All of the above components are available from History16/02/16 - Ada V1.1A step was added on the dorsal (back) side of the proximal finger joints. This "absorbs" the impact of any top layer curling during printing, protecting the joints. This should prevent any hands printing with floppy fingers on un-optimised machines.02/02/16 - Ada V1.0Initial release of the Ada handFor assembly instructions and a guide on installing the firmware, we have written a few tutorials ( work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License  (


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over 5 years
Is it possible to get the CAD/solidWorks files for this hand?
Saddam Hossain
Saddam Hossain
over 7 years
I would like to buy all the components of ada hand. Would you please help me where to but that?
about 9 years
Very cool, but at $330 USD for the actuators, it's not something I can afford to make...

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