1/10 Crash Test Dummy Figure Ragdoll

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1/10 Crash Test Dummy Figure Ragdoll

Published at 2024-08-05
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49 objects 14 Followers
Joined 7 months ago Spain


This is a crash dummy figure that is highly articulated. I can move its head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, abdomen, hips, knees and ankles. 

Check the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0-npyw3JUG8

There are 2 different options to mount it: with or without a servo to move the head. There are only 2 pieces that make the difference so you can build one and change to the other in a few minutes. 

The optional servo mount moves the head and can be fun to be used in a RC vehicle.

It's 17.5 cm height (6.89 inches) and it uses M2 screws to put everything together. That way, in case you want to make changes or replace some parts you can do it easily. 

It includes a stand to keep it on its feet, a PDF with circle stickers and instructions to help you build it (in English and Spanish). Additionally it includes the servo support and the steering wheel to be used with a 9g servo and 2x M2.5 screws (the white ones for testing included in the first section of the YouTube video).

I hope you like it!


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