All the credit goes to the guys from Evil Mad Scientist that went viral a few weeks ago with their new AxiDraw plotting machine: just did my own version so parts are printable. And I use Arduino instead of EBB board.Firmware : extension to create GCode files: Universal GCode Sender to send files to the Arduino. I have added the kind contribution of Cesar Augusto Fernandez in the form of an easy-to-change-orientation pen-holder. And view-only Onshape files: (you will need to create an account for being able to export parts to STL).
2 nema 17 steppers
4 8mm smooth rods
2 GT2 pulleys
10 F623ZZ bearings
1 micro servo SG90
1 Arduino UNO
1 CNCshield
2 Pololu stepsticks
1 GT2 belt
2 M10 threaded rods
8 M10 nuts
8 30mm M3 screws with nuts
8 6mm M3 bolts
4 M3 washers
2 4mm OD, 100mm-long carbon fiber tubes
2 15mm M3 screws
1 12V 2A power supply
1 USB cable
1 felt tip pen (or many for more fun)
alguien en tijuana mexico que me pueda imprimir estas piezas y no cobrarme mas de 2,00 pesos
over 7 years
You might need to use a 4mm drill bit to make sure the carriage can go up
and down freely with not friction but trying not to create excessive play
between the rods and the sliding part.
over 7 years
Hi!more thanks for design and sharing!
but i cann't understand one thing. vertical carbon fiber tubes must be free in which holes-holes of servo support part or in vertical carriage (which is like smile). when i put everything together, vertical carriage doesn't want to move down without help(i use several big nuts), but, i think, it's not the way out.
over 7 years
You may want to get more info here
Oğuz Orkun Öcal
over 7 years
Hello, thanks or the design and sharing.
I will need to build the machine for my BA project.
I am very new to the 3d printig and aurdinio for not to make any mistakes can any one explain the lates and updated step to build.
Thanks for all help.
about 8 years
Scale needs to be adapted to your build with $100 and $101 parameters in GRBL and so are acceleration and max travel on each axis too. For me $100=80 and $101=80 did the trick, but yours may need a different number of steps/mm.
about 8 years
Hi! thanks a lot for this build!it's really cool!
I made it and faced problem. i put firmware from your link into Arduino and faced an issue. Steppers make huge moves. i tried move it with buttons in GCODE and insted of moving on 1mm it moved on about 20-25mm! could u please help with this issue? I use arduino uno, 17 nema steppers and drv8825 sticks
How does the firmware know if the movement should be corexy or XY?
about 8 years
Thanks Miguel.I could do this quite easily using SketchUp STL.
about 8 years
@Frg though my initial attempt at the CAD design was to make the model fully parametric, my lack of skills prevented that so I have not an straightforward way to create these parts for you. Still, as CAD model is available you can probably get it done. Please note once modeled in Onshape you can easily export it as STL.
about 8 years
Thanks.If I have 90 mm between rods , can you please send me STL files for the top and bottom center carriage .
about 8 years
60mm between rod's axis, 52mm is the shortest distance between rods. Please note Onshape CAD is linked above.
about 8 years
What is the distance between rods?
about 8 years
Have a look at the instructable
about 8 years
Very interesting project, about to build one myself.
What is the length of the rods? Any assemble guidelines available?
over 8 years
You may want to try this
Mustafa Serdar Uzaras
over 8 years
We wanted to compile a virgin version but we could not make the connection to grbl control. We could not find where do we have the problem so, can you please send the compiled version to us?
over 8 years
It is linked above ( )