Hi, this is old mod that I made 1 years ago.
More details here http://sgabolab.blogspot.it/p/blog-page_16.html
Video of build https://youtu.be/5SOvJisTPNc
Video preview/explain https://youtu.be/UNGGA8IMzeY
thanks .. but I think the NEMA ballbearing not made to works in push/pull direction and you add junction problem to M8 screw. I use this solution because I want separate the load from NEMA axes.
Good job .. I wait to see your version ;)
Leon Knook
almost 9 years
I really love this idea to center the z-axis but why all the gearing stuff. Should it be more accurate and simple to mount the nema direct to the axis on top. Just like the original design but then up side down and centered. I put this idea on my list to develop later as an important modification. Thanks for sharing!