This Rain Gauge is part of a 3Dkanjers project to connect a 3D-printed object to a computer for educational purposes.
The Gauge is made in TinkerCad and printed on a Ultimaker Original. We used the Tipping Bucket part designed by Kulyk (thingiverse), to transform the rainfall into a signal. The Rain Gauge Funnel is based on the Funnel design by Anders Oberg (Tinkercad). The Gauge is connected to the computer with a Makey Makey. The program to measure the rainfall is made in Scratch:
Every time the bucket is tipping the program receives a signal (spacebar) and measure the rainfall. You can use the "Calibration" slider to adjust the measurements. Watch the video:
We know that you can 3D design a better Rain Gauge and program a better project in Scratch. So we would like to challenge you! We looking forward to see what you come up with if you connect your 3D printed object to your computer.