3D Printing Maker Design Lab's Silhouette Vases.

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3D Printing Maker Design Lab's Silhouette Vases.

Published at 2024-05-12


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Joined over 9 years ago My basement in Oklahoma, US


I do not have a laser cutter thus I could not recreate the beautiful yet remarkably simple Maker Design Lab's Silhouette Vases (https://www.instructables.com/id/Wooden-Silhouette-Test-Tube-Vases/) in wood. So I downloaded the provided .SVG templates into Autodesk Fusion 360 then modified our favorite template for 3D printing. In addition, for those not wanting to use a glass test tube (hint: grandkids...), I designed a version with a 3D printed tube. The files "Silhouette1.stl" (for use with a glass test tube) and "Silhouette1 With Tube.stl" (for use without a glass test tube) contain all components in one file ready for 3D printing. The component files "Silhouette1 Bottom.stl" (print one of these), "Silhouette1 Frame.stl (print two of these), "Silhouette1Top.stl" (print one of these for use with a glass test tube) and "Silhouette1 Top With Tube.stl" (print one of these for use without a glass test tube) are also provided if you desire to 3D print each component individually. I 3D printed our vases using a brim for extra hold down strength (especially around the tenons) at a layer height of .15mm, with 20% infill and no supports. After some filing and sanding, I simply pressed the bottom and top components onto the twin frame components and, after careful alignment for square, secured the components together using cyanoacrylate glue to recreate this Maker Design Lab Silhouette Vase via 3D printing. Many thanks to Maker Design Lab for sharing this remarkably simple yet elegant design, my wife and I truly enjoyed it and it will be appearing on all of our table settings! Designed using Autodesk Fusion 360 using the Maker Design Lab vase templates, sliced with Cura 4.1, and printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2+ Extended and an Ultimaker 3 Extended.


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