At the same power level, the centrifugal fans give more air flow, have no vibrations and are a lot quieter vs axial fans.
Warning : Fan duct Olsson block adapt only !
for the old stock UM heat block that may be needed to modify the hight under the heat block, use step files eventually to any modification.
Print with the medium heat resistant material of your choice
0.1mm layers & 0.4 nozzle recommanded
centrifugal fans sourcing :
- Reuse the 4 M3 stock UM fan duct screws
- The centrigugal fans don't need to be screwed, just to be clipped,
- Reuse the stock UM fans plugs by welding the wires to the new fans, what I done. ( when cutting wires keep 20mm wires on the stock fans, they can still be useful)
- Or source & add new " Cables 120mm long, plug JST XHP-2 "
Anyway, careful to respect the polarities
- the fan duct can be tilted by rotating on its hinges for an easy access to the Olsson block
- recommanded use aluminium tape sticked inside the central portion around the nozzle hole