35mm film scanning elements

By lyscanthrope

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35mm film scanning elements

By lyscanthrope

at 2024-05-03
The goal is to produce a systeme allowing for scanning 35mm with automatic film advance.It is the very rought start.The freecad file and the stl file are provided for ; - film gate- pinch roller- motor roller (motor roller designed for the 28ybj stepper http://42bots.com/tutorials/28byj-48-stepper-motor-with-uln2003-driver-and-arduino-uno/)Pinch bearing is intended to be used with 2x 624 roller bearing and the motor bearing has the possibility to have a 624 bearing on topThe camera support is made for the camera pi with CS mount (I haven't checked if it works)All the parts related to the gate are hold together with 4mm threaded rod.All the other structure parts are using 8mm threaded rod.Support for 8mm trheaded rods are : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:20323
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