Celebrating 100 years of Estonia
Learning goals
Develop a project from concept to completion.
Team Building skills in order to fulfill a creative assignment
Explore the possibilities of 3D Printing applied to coding
3D designing with Tinkercad
Creating the final draft with a 3D printer
Motivate students to find, explore and understand the relationships between a creative assignment with other curriculum subjects, like Mathematics, history, social and technical development etc.
Learning to face challenges and to solve problems using creativity and ingenuity.
Time indication
Three months
Type of education
Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium
Country: Estonia
Level of education: 6th and 7th th grade
Age: 13-14 year old students
Education toolbox
Which design program do you use?
3D creationist
Which other tools and equipment do you need?
Theme / Subject
Project description
The assignment was part of a bigger theme: My Estonia in 100 years time. Firstly, every student had to think of his or her vision of Estonia 100 years ago and 100 years from now.
Then, the students were divided into small teams and the visions were introduced to
other team members (the focus was on technological objects). Next, every team introduced their best idea to the rest of the class using “Padlet”. Finally, every team visioned their ideas on a paper and modelled them using the 3D printer and the Cura program.