0 objects 4 Followers
Joined about 4 years ago Worcester, MA 01608

Hi everyone, I am from new Worcester,USA. I currently work in the Argus Tapes & Records as Scientific illustrator . I love all things creative like learning different languages, I like reading about how to use vashikaran mantra to break marriages, but...


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0 objects 4 Followers
Joined almost 12 years ago Arnhem, The Netherlands

Freelance developer for YouMagine.

94 objects 258 Followers
Joined over 11 years ago Sweden

CadCam addict hooked on 3D printing. 3D Printing evangelist and Open Source advocate. Author of "The OpenRC Project" and "OpenRailway Project". Designer, Maker, Presenter and destroyer of small parts!Pateon: https://www.patreon.com/Dan...

38 objects 104 Followers
Joined about 11 years ago juan@iearobotics.com

Juan Gonzalez-Gomez (Obijuan) I am a researcher on robotics, but I define myself as a hacker. I really believe on the opensource spirit of sharing information

116 objects 113 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago Hurricane, Utah, USA

Winner of the TinkerCad/Makerbot chess challenge, author of 3D Printing Blueprints, and all around cool guy.http://joes3dworkbench.blogspot.com/ 

34 objects 12 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago Germany

3 objects 1 Followers
Joined about 10 years ago Oss, the Netherlands

3D Designer | 3D Coaching | 3D PrintingMy name is Frank, 47 from Oss the Netherlands. I consider myself as a designer and a maker. Officially I am an interior architect, with a technical background from the automotive industry. I love to ...

14 objects 26 Followers
Joined almost 10 years ago Russia

1 objects 15 Followers
Joined almost 10 years ago Caen Basse-Normandie France

Je suis Rudy RUFFEL et je suis spécialisé Dans la conception et l'impression 3D à Caen.La plupart de mes dessins ou images sont enregistrées dans une licence non-commerciale. Se il vous plaît ne pas vendre les dessins ou images sur des sites ...

34 objects 36 Followers
Joined over 9 years ago New Jersey

I make things, and I sometimes attend classes at Columbia University - but primarily - I make things ~ especially from scratch... Please don't mind the currently perceived dearth of designs on my page, I very recently up-started my YouMagine - I hav...

242 objects 1353 Followers
Joined over 9 years ago U.S.A.

Hello and welcome to my page on Youmagine! I've been handed the reigns of this account from a gracious fan and will now be uploading some of my newer stuff! You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites: Shapeways - ht...

0 objects 142 Followers
Joined about 9 years ago

Draw parts for scale model cars and the occasional parts for other things like bicycles or mini fixtures, most of the work here is basic i keep higher STL wheels for my patreon.

1 objects 61 Followers
Joined about 9 years ago Gothenburg, Sweden

Realized that I have printed a lot of stuff on my printers, but so little that is mine to share!Most of it been designs I have made for others!I have my own consultant firm 3D design engineer, and inventor.I have 2 3D printerns,...

3 objects 12 Followers
Joined about 9 years ago web


16 objects 11 Followers
Joined over 7 years ago


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