Extreme eye for detail, excellent time management skills, and the ability to communicate well with directors, makeup artists, writers, and actors ensure a qualified addition to any production team. I like to read Voodoo Priest in Miami and historical, ...
This user following
Creative 3D enthousiastic.I like to tinker around, just for fun. :-) zie ook www.april3Ddesign.nl
Developer and tinkerer. Makes software by day, hardware by night.
I'm trying to design things that serve a practical purpose.Mostly film making gear and parts for CNC machines.For my designs I try to also publish* the original file (usually Alibre/Geomagic)* technical drawings with dimensionsy...
Winner of the TinkerCad/Makerbot chess challenge, author of 3D Printing Blueprints, and all around cool guy.http://joes3dworkbench.blogspot.com/
3D Hubs is the world’s largest network of local 3D printing services for product designers and engineers that do prototyping and small series production. Today, the network consists of over 30,000 3D printing locations.
Enjoying spare time with new technology. In my daily job I work as an Umbraco developer.
I am a Mechanical Engineer who loves designing and problem solving. 3D printing is more than a hobby it is what I am passionate about.
Hello and welcome to my page on Youmagine! I've been handed the reigns of this account from a gracious fan and will now be uploading some of my newer stuff! You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites: Shapeways - ht...
Draw parts for scale model cars and the occasional parts for other things like bicycles or mini fixtures, most of the work here is basic i keep higher STL wheels for my patreon.
umbrella hitchhiker | tiny house enthusiast | cat person
John Tatum is a software developer living in central Texas. He likes clean code, scalable infrastructure, and automation. When he is not at work, John enjoys whatever seems interesting at the time.
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CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN EUROGOLD VIỆT NAM Eurogold Việt Nam - Tổng công ty [nhập khẩu & phân phối] phụ kiện Eurogold như ✔️phụ kiện tủ bếp(/m/025s6gm) ✔️Phụ kiện tủ áo(/m/02vkqh8) ✔️Chậu vòi bếp ... tại Việt Nam Address: số 5 Đông Mỹ - Liên Ninh, Đông Mỹ, ...