1) for the heater and sensor I did not adjust the firmware. Btw I replaced the UM2 nozzle block by an olson block with a 25 W heater, so you're situation could be different. If you notice a temperature overshoot during heating up, or during printing, you should perform an autotune of the PID values. That should be sufficient for the temperature control.
2) Note: there is also a dependency on the fans and the control board. The UM2 fans only work from a certain PWM value and need a kickstart. If you do not update the firmware it will only start spinning at full PWM (see https://bultimaker.bulles.eu for firmware). The heater fan in my case is on by default. However, depending on the version of your control board it is being switched on/off at a certain nozzle temperature. In that case you will probably need a custom firmware.
gr. Marco
Btw see https://ultimaker.com/en/community/21167-assembly-manual-um2-upgrade-kit-on-ultimaker-original-plus for an excellent tutorial by neotko!
about 8 years
did you change some firmware settings to get UM2 heater sensor and heater cartridge working in an espected range?
3Dprint fox