I used a resin printer to print the parts.
Print two sets of the limbs for four legs - left and right are mirrored.
I soldered up the LEDs with a 330hz to 1khz resistors.
Each set of colors is soldered in parallel and goes to a digital pin.
I've included a soldering rig to make it easier to solder the LEDs up.
I recommend using thinner wires than I have and to solder them directly to the pin holes.
Here is a great tutorial on how to wire up the infrared sensor and LEDs, and program the Arduino to work with a remote controller:
Arduino Remote control communication – Arduino IR Sensor Tutorial
Use two M2 screws to screw the top and bottom together
Here is my Arduino sketch: sc_01.ino
It's got a strobe, single color, all colors and flashing modes, and with speed control.
1x Micro on/off switch
8x standard LED lights
4x 330hz to 1khz resistors - depends on your particular LED lights
1x 1838B IR sensor
Thin wires and solder
1x Arduino Nano or an ac/dc converter from an LED flame bulb
2x short M2 screws