Hi! I think these patterns could be achieved with a cube STL, using no countours and rectilinear filling. The fill percentage, nozzle size and layer height can be used for customizing the lattice.
Another option is to generate the gcode directly using a spreadsheet like this: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/gcode-generator-hysteresis-test
Oh, and I think the category should be other and not 3D printer parts. :)
over 11 years
Oh, right, apparently the notification requests (that get added upon sending a message) stack... so indeed, you'll get LOTS of message due to this message. I'm glad you pointed this out. To fix something, you need to first observe it :)
over 11 years
The same thing applies for e-mail notifications. You posted 5 comments, but I got 15 e-mails in total. If you post another one I will get 6 more :)
over 11 years
@boxes: I think the boxes might only be seen by few people who click on on to enlarge it...
@messages: I understand the confusion, this indeed can be improved. Actually the message system generates a message in the inbox that points you here. The e-mail should point you straight to the message with this tab opened already and still mark the generated message as 'read'.
over 11 years
Another thing: when you post a comment here, the mailbox icon, which shows the number of unread messages, shows the total number of comments you made here, although I read the previous ones.
over 11 years
Maybe when you click on the image, it enlarges and boxes would be visible only in this enlarged image.
over 11 years
Oh, I see, so you mean overlaying a box and having text appear e.g. on hover? Seems like an interesting concept. I don't know how it would all fit in the carousel (the part with the image sequence) without making things more complicated... maybe you have ideas?
over 11 years
I want to assign numbers to the cubes in the image. It could be like the ones at instructables.
over 11 years
What do you mean exactly by image tagging? I can guess what you mean, but prefer to hear in detail. What problem should that solve? Where do you want the tags to appear? How would you input the tags and where?
over 11 years
By the way image tagging would be great. :)
over 11 years
Okay, in that case it's fine! Sorry for being impatient. :)
over 11 years
Thanks, I wanted to add something else before publishing.
over 11 years
Hi, looks pretty innovative, I haven't seen objects like these yet!
You may have forgotten to press the publish button (we're going to make this clearer). Now only the site admins can see it.