Mr. Rui,
Good evening.
I am sorry for the delay in responding, because I had technical problems in Home Work / Home Office.
In fact, the versions were created so that users of different 3D printers, with different printing capabilities, could choose the combination of parts that best fit their needs.
Answering your question:
- Version 1, corresponding to the file "MÁscara Hospitalar RÍgida Aba Covid 19 Matter.stl" corresponds only to the mask flap, not being complete, because afterwards the file "MÁscara Hospitalar RÍgida Covid 19 Ok.stl" will have to be printed, uniting them with adhesive, which will, after this process, be the same as the file "MÁscara Hospitalar RÍgida Arco Primário Aba Covid 19 Matter.stl” that configures the union of the first two in a single piece / impression.
I hope I have clarified and helped.
I am available to answer any other questions that may arise.
Prof. Helder José Costa Carozzi
FAG University Center
over 4 years
Good night.
Thanks for the link of the visors. what is the difference between version 1 and version 11?
Rui Amaral
Joined almost 5 years ago
City of Cascavel, Paraná State, country Brazil
Professor of the Electrical Engineering Course at the University Center of the Assis Gurgacz Foundation - Centro FAG - Cascavel Campus, City of Cascavel, Paraná State, Brazil.