Jonny, i understand the problem you are having and had it myself with Faberdashery PLA, but that was down to me not prepping the filament. Faberdashery filament is supplied in a much wider loop than the holder can easily manage, so I rewound the filament in a tighter loop and then tied it for storage, that way it behaves itself on the holder.
I'm also using a slightly thinner spool holder than the standard UM1 one, but the problem I had was the spool arm carching on the rear wire from the stepper motor that sticks out the back. That certainly caused the occasional jump, but i taped the wires back out the way.
Hope this helps!
over 10 years
<p><br></p><p>I've just never been lucky with spools I guess.. It's probably not really a design "error" because I wouldn't be the only one complaining then ;)<br></p><p>Some suggestions:</p><p>Make the forks longer. Maybe 10mm more. It could also help to have 5 arms instead of four, because right now it looks like this:</p><p>The feeder pulls on the filament, which will tension itself around the four arms - creating almost a square instead of a circle. At some point, it will be too tense and "jump", turning the spool and releasing the filament. This is where the filament would jump out of the arm and get tangled up.</p><p>This could be prevented if there were some sort of "cover" around the spool holder to prevent the filament from jumping out of the holder's arms.<br></p><p>I'll address the issue another way, but that will have to wait until I have my two WIP printer designs finished...</p>
Martin Bienz
over 10 years
Sorry to hear Jonny... I am printing with mine on the um1 since quite some time. I guess i was lucky so far... i will think about a solution. Martin
over 10 years
I've just lost 2 out of 2 prints to this holder :(
The filament always jumped out of one arm at some point and tangled itself. (Diamond Age 100m roll, maybe 70% of it left).
Maybe it works better on a UM2, but my UMO definitely doesn't work with this. It could probably be improved by using a better axis than the standard UMO holder, but I don't have the time to try stuff like that now.
So, my filament goes back on the floor...
over 10 years
<p>Thanks very much Martin. Will get some photos up when it's done.</p>
Martin Bienz
over 10 years
I print it at 20%. Should be enough. Just make sure you have enough shell. At least double. Happy printing.
over 10 years
Excellent design! I'm just about to print it myself for Faberdashery filament, but do you set the fill level for the arms to 100% or is it strong enough at 50% or 30%?
Martin Bienz
over 10 years
cool skodiar, thanks for the feedback and the nice picture!
over 10 years
The tolerances in this version are perfect and the arms really strong.
An excellent work!