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over 8 years
##- Please type your reply above this line -## Hi, We would like to know what you think of our customer service. Please simply answer to one simple question by clicking below to give your feedback : How would you rate the support you received? You can copy the following URL into your browser to rate: http://support.makershop.fr/requests/10630/satisfaction/new/ZIuBqxU6zcwyIi4CLqoGE2ZnX?locale=1 Here is a reminder of your request : ---------------------------------------------- Reply-068d758c5eb3e3a8949f3a24, Sep 4, 18:16 CEST Hi Makershop, Awesome! yvest added Lightsaber to the collection "Star Wars". For the design, go to: http://www.youmagine.com/designs/lightsaber Find the collection here: http://www.youmagine.com/yvest/collections/star-wars-9be00754-a285-4553-ab21-443fcaf8d705 For more information about yvest, visit http://www.youmagine.com/yvest Have a great day, The YouMagine Team ----- Tip! Post your comment by hitting "Reply" on this email. This email is automatically sent by YouMagine, you can disable this notification in your profile: http://www.youmagine.com/user/notifications?id=makershop
over 8 years
##- Please type your reply above this line -## Hello, Your request (#10630) has been received, and is being reviewed by our support staff. To review the status of the request and add additional comments, simply reply to this email. ---------------------------------------------- Reply-068d758c5eb3e3a8949f3a24, Sep 4, 18:16 CEST Hi Makershop, Awesome! yvest added Lightsaber to the collection "Star Wars". For the design, go to: http://www.youmagine.com/designs/lightsaber Find the collection here: http://www.youmagine.com/yvest/collections/star-wars-9be00754-a285-4553-ab21-443fcaf8d705 For more information about yvest, visit http://www.youmagine.com/yvest Have a great day, The YouMagine Team ----- Tip! Post your comment by hitting "Reply" on this email. This email is automatically sent by YouMagine, you can disable this notification in your profile: http://www.youmagine.com/user/notifications?id=makershop
over 8 years
Recommanderiez-vous Makershop Ă  quelqu’un que vous connaissez ? http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30068863/support.makershop.fr?p=eyJzIjoicFptakxoWExsd2Y4VXYzQnhIWGtXQ2JrSElnIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDA2ODg2MyxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvc3VwcG9ydC5tYWtlcnNob3AuZnJcXFwvbnBzXFxcL3N1cnZleXNcXFwvMjMyMDlcXFwvcmVjaXBpZW50c1xcXC8xMzA2NjQwNVxcXC9yZXNwb25zZVxcXC9jcmVhdGVcXFwvcTVramJjbW11dDR4amR0XCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiMmU3MTcxZWU5MDcyNDMxM2JkYjNmYjRkYWZiZWUyNDlcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCJlN2Q3NjY4OWY3NTUxZjJjMTJhMDUxNDkwOGQ2NWY4YmI3ZmIxZWFmXCJdfSJ9 -- RĂ©alisĂ© par Zendesk http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30068863/www.zendesk.com?p=eyJzIjoiWXFSOFRmNEsyVDJLRWtDQXUwOHRoUkU0Mlg0IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDA2ODg2MyxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LnplbmRlc2suY29tXFxcL2xwXFxcL25ldC1wcm9tb3Rlci1zY29yZT91dG1fc291cmNlPW5wcyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXBvd2VyZWRieXplbmRlc2smdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWltYWdlXCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiMmU3MTcxZWU5MDcyNDMxM2JkYjNmYjRkYWZiZWUyNDlcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCI0ZjNlZGI1MGI5YTA4M2QwYjlmMTU3YzA5ZDM5M2U1OTk2ZDAyYjJlXCJdfSJ9 Se dĂ©sabonner http://mandrillapp.com/track/unsub.php?u=30068863&id=2e7171ee90724313bdb3fb4dafbee249.aNyVICSS6MzpyYIHUvwdXGtaRCM%3D&r=http%3A%2F%2Fsupport.makershop.fr%2Fnps%2Fsurveys%2F23209%2Fdeliveries%2F11149%2Funsubscribe%3Fmd_email%3Dreply-a2753c4c6ec1da23d2bf1d95%2540mg.youmagine.com
over 8 years
##- SVP n'Ă©crivez pas sous cette ligne -## Bonjour Reply-a2753c4c6ec1da23d2bf1d95, Nous aimerions savoir ce que vous pensez de notre service client. Nous vous remercions de rĂ©pondre Ă  une simple question en cliquant sur l’un des liens ci-dessous : Comment jugeriez-vous l’assistance que vous avez reçue ? Vous pouvez copier l'URL suivante dans votre navigateur pour noter : http://support.makershop.fr/requests/6319/satisfaction/new/1mPC6MlJnEdMdY7hIkUTx5vIp?locale=16 Voici un rappel de l'objet de votre ticket : ---------------------------------------------- Mise Ă  jour par : Reply-a2753c4c6ec1da23d2bf1d95, 2 avr. 11:55 Hi Makershop, Awesome! Nuke added Lightsaber to the collection "new". For the design, go to: http://www.youmagine.com/designs/lightsaber Find the collection here: http://www.youmagine.com/nuke/collections/new-97c9c6da-cc29-42ef-a758-adc6241b1d06 For more information about Nuke, visit http://www.youmagine.com/nuke Have a great day, The YouMagine Team ----- Tip! Post your comment by hitting "Reply" on this email. This email is automatically sent by YouMagine, you can disable this notification in your profile: http://www.youmagine.com/makershop/edit
over 8 years
##- SVP n'Ă©crivez pas sous cette ligne -## Bonjour, Merci d’avoir contactĂ© le service client de Makershop. Votre demande (6319) a Ă©tĂ© reçue et est en cours de traitement par notre Ă©quipe. Pour ajouter des commentaires supplĂ©mentaires, rĂ©pondez simplement Ă  cet e-mail. ---------------------------------------------- Mise Ă  jour par : Reply-a2753c4c6ec1da23d2bf1d95, 2 avr. 11:55 Hi Makershop, Awesome! Nuke added Lightsaber to the collection "new". For the design, go to: http://www.youmagine.com/designs/lightsaber Find the collection here: http://www.youmagine.com/nuke/collections/new-97c9c6da-cc29-42ef-a758-adc6241b1d06 For more information about Nuke, visit http://www.youmagine.com/nuke Have a great day, The YouMagine Team ----- Tip! Post your comment by hitting "Reply" on this email. This email is automatically sent by YouMagine, you can disable this notification in your profile: http://www.youmagine.com/makershop/edit



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