ISO/ASTM Standard Material Extrusion [FDM; FFF] Parametric Calibrator

By Jan.Akmal

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You may print the model using the attached STL file using any ISO/ASTM Standard Material Extrusion (FDM; FFF) 3D Printer(s). For accessing the parametric model, use the following instructions: 1- Open the FreeCAD [.FCstd] file using open source FreeCad Software 2- Enter the Test Parameters in the provided Spreadsheet (Regeneration may take a while depending on your hardware specs.)* 3- Press the "Label Refresh" Button in the Part Workbench to Activate the Python Scripted Macro for automatic re-labelling of the test parameters. *Make sure that entered dimensional test parameters don't overlap each other (Check 3D space) otherwise, boolean operations will be restricted. Increase the dimensions between the features and/or the part base(s) to overcome this constraint.
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