*************Replace the original XY Blocks************ The use of this mount is incompatible with the original wood slider blocks because they are too big and the design comprimises I made prevent them from hitting their endstops. You will want to print out your own XY slider blocks, here are my recommendations: For MXB belt users (default on the original printers): Ultimaker XY blocks with banana tensioner by alan89 on Youmagine For GT2 belt users (what I personally use): Lars' v2 Ultimaker XY Blocks by CCS86 on Youmagine ***********PIDs************* #define DEFAULT_Kp 24.28 #define DEFAULT_Ki 1.85 #define DEFAULT_Kd 79.62 **********Temp Settings********** I found that for PLA, reducing bed temperatures to 50C worked the best. For ABS, an 80C bed worked the best. Increasing the bed temperatures any further showed signs of part overheating. ***********Fan Choices************** I recommend using the 4-pin PWM version of the Noctua 40x10mm fan for the heatsink duct on the main body, not only it's silent, but it provides extra airflow over the non PWM variant. I also noticed the 40x20mm version of the nocutal fan works well, but it's larger size restricts the bedsize on the y-direction as it can collide with the stage. For the cooling ducts, you can use whatever works and fits on them.